Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The University of Connecticut Department of English—faculty, staff, and students—seeks to foster diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice among all members of our community. We aim to widen the scope of our field and always challenge ourselves to mitigate inequalities through our teaching, research, service, events, and hiring. We recognize that English, like other disciplines, has historically emerged from colonialism and imperialism and contributed to existing inequities by privileging some voices and perspectives at the expense of others.

As a Department with a presence across all five campuses at UConn, a land-grant institution, we also have a special responsibility to acknowledge our location within the ancestral territories of Indigenous nations, including but not limited to the Eastern Pequot, Golden Hill Paugussett, Lenape Peoples, Mashantucket Pequot, Mohegan, Nipmuc, Schaghticoke, and Siwok.

We are committed to fostering interdisciplinary, transnational, and intersectional work across critical race and Indigenous studies, postcolonial studies, gender and queer studies, and disability studies. We oppose all forms of censorship designed to oppress and foster hatred. We strive to promote an ethics of care and create an environment free from all forms of harassment, intimidation, sexual misconduct, exclusion, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, class, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, neurodiversity, creed, philosophy, and citizenship or immigration status. However, we recognize that we have much to learn. We pledge to engage in self-criticism and self-reflection as we work toward these goals.

We take seriously any allegations of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, intimidation, and bullying. Members of our community who need information about University policies, or who have experienced any of these violations and would like to make a formal report, should visit the following resources:

You can also find support at UConn through offices such as the Mental Health center through UConn Student Health and Wellness (students), the Rainbow Center (all), the Center for Students with Disabilities (students), and the Ombuds Office (graduate students and staff/faculty), which is a neutral resource that provides confidential assistance. Unionized employees can also find resources offered through their unions.

We realize that those who have experienced or are currently experiencing any form of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, intimidation, or bullying might want to talk to someone in the Department, such as an administration or staff member, a trusted professor, or an academic advisor. We are invested in developing a culture of support and invite such conversations. Please do not hesitate to contact our Department Head to talk further about maintaining an intellectual community that treats all its members with respect and dignity.

Finally, please be aware that all Department employees are responsible employees, which means that if they witness or receive a disclosure from a student of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and/or stalking, they will immediately contact OIE for assistance. In addition, the Department Head has additional responsibilities to report disclosures of discrimination and harassment involving any employee to OIE.