
We appreciate your commitment to UConn English.

Generosity from donors helps us provide need- and merit-based scholarships for English undergraduate students. It also gives our Department a competitive edge, allowing us to recruit gifted graduate students and top faculty.


Make your gift today

Ways to Support UConn English

Your gift can empower students to pursue their passions, engage in professional development, and participate in life-changing experiences. It can also support Department initiatives that bring top literary talent to UConn and train educators on campus and throughout Connecticut.

A gift may support an existing scholarship or fund, or it may create a new fund for current needs or an endowment to support programs into the future. Gifts may be made in honor of a faculty member or friend.

Our Funds

20199—English Fund

Provides general funding for the English department.

31280—Steblea Family Scholarship

Provides scholarship support for undergraduate English majors.

31438—Tribute to English Professors

Provides financial support, including fellowships and travel to conferences, seminars, and symposia, for English graduate students in honor or in memory of English professors.

View additional funds that support the Department of English.

More Giving Options

For questions about giving or establishing a new fund, please contact a development officer for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

To make a gift via mail or securities, please visit the How to Give page on the UConn Foundation website.