Lord Have Murphy: Waking Up in the Spiritual Marketplace

Fran Shaw, Author

We hear a lot of talk these days about awakening. Weapons of mass instruction are proliferating. How to write happily about higher consciousness without sounding Holier than Tao? How to trust what is in us and that we are finding our way to it? With unrelenting humor, Murphy gives it a try, only to discover in himself a surprising truth about what is hidden from our everyday mind: what it is to wake up.

Is being self-aware the same as being awake? What role does attention play? Along with these questions, Murphy explores, with great fun: Everything in Self-Help but The Self; the Leaky Boat School of Self-Perfecting; Beliefs (the Big Addiction) and Ownership (the Big Trap). Whatever the hitch, he always says, But I can work with that, an endearing attitude, and for him, Attention is the teacher.

Lord Have Murphy: Waking Up in the Spiritual Marketplace book cover