
Distinguished Professor Highlighted in Ms. Magazine’s 50th

Gina Barreca, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of English, is a contributor in Ms. Magazine’s upcoming book to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the legendary feminist magazine, 50 YEARS OF Ms.: THE BEST OF THE PATHFINDING MAGAZINE THAT IGNITED A REVOLUTION. More information on the book and its contributors can be found on the magazine’s website.

Julianna Iacovelli ’22 (CLAS), ’23 (Neag) Published in English Journal

As recognized in an earlier post, Julianna Iacovelli’s essay, “The Importance of Queer Joy in the Classroom” was successfully selected by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) for their award-winning English Journal. Iacovelli originally wrote the essay for Prof. Jason Courtmanche’s Spring 2021 Advanced Composition for Prospective Teachers class. It has since been […]