The Arlington Reader: Themes for Writers. 4th ed.

Lynn Bloom, Author

Derived from Bloom’s ground-breaking research on “The Essay Canon,” The Arlington Reader contains a mix of canonical and cutting-edge essays, designed to encourage discussion and provoke controversy. A mini-rhetoric presents strategies for critical reading, invention and drafting, using sources, revising and editing. Thematic chapters address key questions: How does language make us human? Who and I and why does it matter? What are the best relationships and life choices? What do we teach, learn, and why does this matter? What makes us men and women? Technology—what are the consequences of life in a connected world? And Ethics, what principles do—and should—we live by? The 4th edition print text is now integrated with e-Pages for The Arlington Reader, designed to take advantage of what the Web can do. First ed. 2004.

The Arlington Reader: Themes for Writers. 4th ed. book cover