Racism in the Margins, the virtual conference organized by Associate Professor Kathleen Tonry and graduate student Gabe Morrison, was featured in UConn Today last week in an article by Christine Buckley. Congratulations to Kathleen, Gabe, and all of the other collaborators for a successful conference!
Media Coverage
Crystal Maldonado, ‘10 (CLAS) Featured on NBC News for Debut YA Novel
UConn English and Journalism alumni Crystal Maldonado ’10 (CLAS), was featured by Lakshmi Gandhi of NBC News for their Culture Matters series. The article, published on February 2nd of this year, focuses on Maldonado’s debut novel released on that date, Fat Chance, Charlie Vega. It includes inspiration for the novel through her experiences and the […]
Feature for Margaret Gibson (Prof. Emerita)
Margaret Gibson, Professor Emerita and current Poet Laureate for the State of Connecticut, was featured in the Westerly Sun for her work featuring poetry related to nature and the climate crisis statewide. The article can be found on the Westerly Sun website.
Poem Featured For Kerry Carnahan (PHD ’21)
Kerry Carnahan (PhD ’21) has been featured in the Academy of American Poets’ website in their poem-a-day section. Kerry’s poem, [My ancestors are empty words], was featured as the poem of the day for 18 October, 2020. The feature can be found here.
Anna Ziering’s English 2003 Activist Writing
Kudos to all for this thoughtful, well written collaboration!
New Book for Anna Mae Duane
Congratulations for this fine book and an excellent review.
Lingli Zhang: Love from 7,000 Miles Away
Published in the Hartford Courant on May 13, 2020.
Anna Zarra Aldrich (’20) published in Hartford Courant
“In 2020, life stood still — but life will go on.” Thank you, Anna, for this moving April 5 article on life in the pandemic.
What’s So Funny? Professor Gina Barreca
UConn Today Interview, Jan. 17.
Tom Dulack’s Play on Broadway
“Paradise Lost” runs through Mar. 1.