
Waking Up to the Earth with Connecticut Poet Laureate Margaret Gibson

by Alexander Mika, ’21 (CLAS) Professor Emerita and Connecticut Poet Laureate Margaret Gibson will be releasing two new books this year: an anthology of environmental poetry edited by Gibson called Waking Up to the Earth and a new collection of her own poems called The Glass Globe, her thirteenth book of poems. I recently had […]

Crystal Maldonado, ‘10 (CLAS) Featured on NBC News for Debut YA Novel

UConn English and Journalism alumni Crystal Maldonado ’10 (CLAS), was featured by Lakshmi Gandhi of NBC News for their Culture Matters series. The article, published on February 2nd of this year, focuses on Maldonado’s debut novel released on that date, Fat Chance, Charlie Vega. It includes inspiration for the novel through her experiences and the […]

“Racism in the Margins:” Confronting Biases in Writing Instruction

by Alexander Mika, ’21 (CLAS) In an effort to promote anti-racist writing practices across academic disciplines, Kathleen Tonry, associate professor of English and associate director of the University Writing Center, and Gabe Morrison, a PhD candidate in rhetoric and composition, are working on an initiative called “Racism in the Margins.” The project begins with a […]

UConn Professor and Alumnus Brian Sneeden Receives National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship

PER PRESS RELEASE BY PETER CONSTANTINE, DIRECTOR OF THE PROGRAM IN LITERARY TRANSLATION, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT – The National Endowment for the Arts recently announced that Brian Sneeden will receive a Literature Translation Fellowship of $12,500 to translate Chimera, a collection of poetry by Phoebe Giannisi, into English. Sneeden is one of 24 Literature Translation […]