Aetna Chair of Writing Brenda Brueggemann, along with graduate students Margaret McFarlane, Emily Tarconish, and Kathryn Warrender-Hill, created an online survey in academic year 2020-2021 for graduate students, focusing on how the pandemic has influenced their education experience.
Rebecca Rowe (PhD. ’21) to UT RGV
Rebecca Rowe (PhD ’21) has accepted a three-year renewable position as a Lecturer at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley. She will be teaching Literature and Cultural Studies. Congratulations, Rebecca!
Meet Mick Powell
I am an Assistant Professor in Residence of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at UConn. My work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and for the Best of the Net Anthology.
Professor Greg Pierrot wins UCHI’s Sharon Harris Book Award
Professor Greg Pierrot was recently awarded the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute’s Sharon Harris Annual Book Award, which is given to a UConn faculty member whose monograph best demonstrates scholarly depth, intellectual acuity, and the importance of humanities scholarship. The awarded book, The Black Avenger in Atlantic Culture, analyzes the black avenger archetype and what meaning it […]
Professor Sarkar featured in The Sundial
Professor Debapriya Sarkar was recently published in The Sundial, Arizona State University’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies’ publication. Professor Sarkar is an Assistant Professor of English and Maritime Studies at the Avery Point campus. Congratulations!
Professor Brenda Brueggemann named SDS 2020 Senior Scholar
Professor Brenda Jo Brueggemann was recognized as the Society for Disability Studies’ 2020 Senior Scholar. Creating an intersection between Rhetoric & Composition and Deaf Studies in her works, Brueggemann has contributed greatly to the breadth of Disability Studies and its interdisciplinary nature. Her mentorship and encouragement of future Disability Studies and Rhetoric scholars only further […]
Matthew Jones (PhD ’20) to University of Florida
Matthew Jones (PhD ’20) has accepted a permanent Lecturer position at the University of Florida’s University Writing Program. In addition to teaching advanced writing courses for the department, he will be working with universities across the globe to establish deeper international partnerships between various academic institutions. Congratulations, Matthew!
Mia Yanosy, ’21 (CLAS), Wins National Award for Fiction Writing
The Department of English would like to give a big congratulations to Mia Yanosy, ’21 (CLAS), a senior English major who recently won a 2021 AWP Intro Journals Award in Fiction for her story, titled “The Most Ordinary Thing.” The Intro Journals Project, run by the Association of Writers & Writer Programs (or AWP), is […]
Professor Anna Mae Duane featured in Smithsonian Magazine
Professor Anna Mae Duane was featured in Smithsonian Magazine for her work on James McCune Smith and others. The article touches on the inspiring relationship between Smith and his classmate, which the professor outlines in her book Educated for Freedom: The Incredible Story of Two Fugitive Schoolboys who Grew Up to Change a Nation. Congratulations, Anna!
Meet Krisela Karaja
I am currently in a post-Baccalaureate apprenticeship program, through which I am teaching middle school Spanish and obtaining my teaching license in Massachusetts.