by Emily Graham, ’22 (CLAS) In conjunction with the newly-established literary magazine of the same name, PhD candidate Kiedra Taylor, ‘24 hosted Write On, Black Girl!, a writing retreat dedicated to the crafting of narratives written by Black girls and young women. Sitting down with Emily Graham, Ms. Taylor spoke of how the retreat went; […]
On the Town: Learning by Traveling at UConn Stamford
by Emily Graham, ’22 (CLAS) Taking advantage of UConn Stamford’s great location, Professor Fred Roden has coordinated field trips with his students for years — visiting art exhibits, Broadway, and more. Emily Graham recently met with Professor Roden over Zoom to talk about the trips themselves and, more importantly, what students get out of learning […]
Reimagining the Traditional Dissertation
by Emily Graham, ’22 (CLAS) Considered to go into effect for Fall 2022, the UConn English department will no longer require students to follow the typical graduate school capstone: the written dissertation. Sitting down with Professor Victoria Ford Smith, Emily Graham discusses how the dissertation could evolve from 2022 onward, hoping to grant greater creative […]
Developing a New Children’s Literature Podcast
In order to remain connected during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the passion project of three English professors has resulted in an intriguing new podcast about children’s literature.
Something for Everyone: The Redesigned English Major
In response to national trends and the changing shape of the academic discipline, UConn’s Department of English has redesigned its major plan of study to offer enhanced flexibility and a new array of optional tracks for students.
Connecticut Writing Project Featured in UConn Today
The Connecticut Writing Project was featured in UConn Today, detailing a new effort where students and teachers from Grades 4 to 12 read works of literature and then write letters to the authors.
The UConn Graduate Pandemic Narrative Project
Aetna Chair of Writing Brenda Brueggemann, along with graduate students Margaret McFarlane, Emily Tarconish, and Kathryn Warrender-Hill, created an online survey in academic year 2020-2021 for graduate students, focusing on how the pandemic has influenced their education experience.
Changing Course: A New Form of First-Year Writing
by Alexander Mika, ’21 (CLAS) Recently, the University of Connecticut’s First-Year Writing program redesigned course curriculum and is in the process of implementing those changes at the regional campuses. The new course, ENGL 1007 (Seminar in Academic Writing and Multimodal Composition), features a Writing Across Technology curriculum that encourages students to engage with and develop […]
“Racism in the Margins:” Confronting Biases in Writing Instruction
by Alexander Mika, ’21 (CLAS) In an effort to promote anti-racist writing practices across academic disciplines, Kathleen Tonry, associate professor of English and associate director of the University Writing Center, and Gabe Morrison, a PhD candidate in rhetoric and composition, are working on an initiative called “Racism in the Margins.” The project begins with a […]
Pam Bedore’s Virtual Workshop on Online Teaching
“Using Discussion Boards with Online Teaching.” Wed, Aug 19, 1-1:45.