Congratulations on this inaugural award from LCL.
Lingli Zhang: Love from 7,000 Miles Away
Published in the Hartford Courant on May 13, 2020.
Stephanie Santillo Wins Hufstader Award
Kudos to the 2020 recipient of the Jonathan Hufstader Distinguished English Major Award.
Sarah Berry heads for Dallas
Kudos to Sarah on this new tenure-track position at University of Dallas.
Scott Campbell Winner of ECE Faculty Coordinator award
Scott Campbell won the Thomas E. Recchio ECE Faculty Coordinator Award for Academic Leadership this year.
AETNA Celebration of Student Writing
Apr. 27, 3-5:30pm. Wilbur Cross, North Reading Room.
Anna Zarra Aldrich (’20) published in Hartford Courant
“In 2020, life stood still — but life will go on.” Thank you, Anna, for this moving April 5 article on life in the pandemic.
Conference on Teaching Writing
Apr. 17, UConn Hartford.
Moriarty Award for Sarah Bertekap
$1,500 award to support continued professional development in Irish studies.
Gerson Reader Emilie Pine
We regret to inform that this event has been canceled.